A 3LOD barrel with an all too complex collision primitive. (2048 texture size)

Please note that the FBX has a defined LOD structure AND the collision is just an additional mesh with UCX_ prefixed to the name. It probably wont import properly into anything other than UDK-UE4-UE5.

I have included an obj with just the LOD0 mesh.

^ the barrel

^ note that this model uses a different dirt texture, because I did not save the substance file when I should have.

^ The collision

^ LOD0(800) - LOD1(396) - LOD2(94) | I assume that mip mapping causes the texture to half unload itself to save the memory, so I have no alternate material for the lower detail models.

^ Albedo

I added all this dirt after seeing another barrel. I'm not sure that it really looks better.

^ I forgot to save after adding the dirt so the substance save doesn't have it anymore :(

^ normal map

^ Red = AO Green = roughness Blue = metallic

This is the second iteration of the barrel. the first had individual wooden boards and very poor UV mapping because of it.

^ The first barrel (not included)

This was nice and fun to make (the second barrel). I found myself spending a couple of hours in substance playing around.

Files 17 MB
Jul 19, 2022

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